Friday, May 14, 2010

Anyone else who thinks Beyonce was spot on?

 This is more of a rant than anything else, and I decided to rant here because no one from my personal life (aka friends, boyfriend, family, etc.) know that I have this!  My blog is sort of my secret getaway... somewhere I can go and say anything I want and it won't get back to certain others.  So here we go. 

Big enough hint?  Lol.  
On that note...
I am planning on a small giveaway when/if I ever reach 20 followers.  I think it will be fun to host giveaways because I love giving other people things they might want!
For those who really do read my blog, honestly I'm honored because I never though that someone would actually care about what I think and say!  It's amazing to me that right now, I have 7 people here who actually like what I had to say enough to follow me!  Again, thanks and watch out for a giveaway... maybe spread the word a little about my blog if you want?  :D   

1 comment:

  1. I wanna know what you think and say =) Keep on posting for us!
